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Who and What we are

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Who and What we are

We are a small software engineering/research company determined to revolutionize world of computer science/software by (i) transforming computer science into a real science based on irrefutable facts, logic and sound reasoning, and (ii) transforming software engineering into a real engineering for designing and building large/complex software products, which is equivalent to designing and building of large/complex products in the proven and established engineering disciplines such as electronic engineering and/or mechanical engineering.

Today many respected researchers and experts argue that computer science is not a real science. We certainly agree, but we can prove that the computer science can be transformed into a real science. Even the basic sciences 500 years ago were not real sciences based on facts, until they were put on right tracks for progress by exposing a fundamental flaw in then prevailing geocentric paradigm, where this paradigm was a paradoxical reality evolved for about thousand years by relying on flawed conclusion that “the Earth is static”.

Today many respected researchers and experts kind of concluded that software engineering for designing and building large/complex products is not a real engineering. We kind of agree. Many of them insist that it can never be a real engineering. We strongly disagree. We can prove that software engineering for designing and building large/complex products can be transformed into a real engineering equivalent to designing and building of large/complex products in the engineering disciplines such as electronic and/or mechanical engineering.

We are openly providing all results of our passionate research spanning over a decade and accumulated knowledge, along with facts and comprehensive reasoning in our sister not-for-profit research website http://www.real-software-components.com for any scientist or researcher in the world to discover the Truth. We have irresistible intellectual curiosity and passion, so we love to exchange ideas or debate/discuss merits with other likeminded researchers and experts having intellectual curiosity, passion and conviction that Truth must be discovered (if there exists a scientific truth or if there is a possible error in an untested basic scientific axioms).

We admire and respect researchers and scientist who have intellectual curiosity, passion and conviction that pursuing absolute Truth is their sacred duty. We believe real researchers and scientist pursue absolute Truth with passion and conviction, instead of using silly excuses to hide incompetence or give baseless justifications for rationalizing obvious anomalies or contradictions to evade the sacred duty.  We believe, computer science can be transformed into real science by relying on error-free axioms (or first principles) and by following well established and proven scientific processes and principles. And software engineering can be transferred into a real engineering by relying on error free scientific discoveries and knowledge of the real computer science.

New scientific discoveries (especially in applied sciences such as medical or software) open new frontiers for great new engineering inventions. Our revolutionary scientific discoveries and patented engineering inventions lay strong foundation for software revolution. Our team at Pioneer-soft determined to lead software engineering revolution, while supporting the scientific revolution in computer science openly trough our non-profit web sites (e.g. http://www.real-software-components.com), blogs, research forums and papers or articles.